Breaking News! Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg Confirmed to Speak at 2015 National Urban League Conference
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Join us in South Florida for the hottest conference of the year, Save Our Cities: Education, Jobs & Justice!
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to see Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook, C.O.O. and author of the New York Times bestseller, “Lean In” in a live one-on-one interview at the annual National Urban League Business Luncheon. Sandberg will be one of the many business, entertainment, and political leaders at the 2015 National Urban League Conference. Announced presidential candidates are also expected to attend.
For four power packed days, July 29th – August 1st the conference will feature informative and inspiring sessions and workshops, the Women of Power Awards Luncheon, The N.U.L. Experience Expo Hall and Career Fair, The Young Professionals Summit, The National Council of Urban League Guilds Leadership Awards Luncheon, receptions, The Whitney M. Young, Jr. Awards Gala, Small Business Matters Entrepreneurship Summit, entertainment, and much more!
Don’t delay, register today to receive the Early Decision registration rates. Prices go up on February 24th, so register now and receive special discounted pricing.
Hotels are booking fast so be sure to reserve your room and receive special Conference rates! You can book here!
See you in South Florida! Hello Sunny!
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