LAULYP Memberships

Why should you become a member?
1. GIVE BACK and be a part of your community as we WORK HARD to make it better
2. PLAY HARD with our social, professional, and networking events
3. BE A MEMBER of Los Angeles’ most empowered young professionals organization
4. GAIN ACCESS to young professionals across the nation who are answering the call to serve!
Are you in a career transition period, but still want to be a part of the YPs and serve? Email and we’ll see how we can work with you to still be a part of the movement with volunteer and community service opportunities.
Perks and Benefits of Membership
Membership Benefits:
Listed below are just a few of the major benefits that dues-paying members of LAULYP enjoy.
- Membership with the Los Angeles Urban League Young Professionals and the National Urban League Young Professionals
- Free Admission to Personal & Professional Development Workshops ($50)
- Free or Discounted Rate to Additional LAULYP Events that Charge Admission ($5 – $100+)
- Discounted Registration Rate to Annual Conference
- Exclusive Members Only Events
- Access to the Members Only Section on the LAUL-YP Website (Forums, Job Board, Member Announcements, Member Directory)
- Free/Discounted Partner Events (Past Events Included: Professional Soccer YP Mixer/Private Suite, Advance Movie Screenings, Basketball Game & Mixer, Select Restaurant Discounts, and more!)
- Networking with Community and Business Leaders
- Community Engagement Through 4 Empowerment Goals
- Support of the 100+ Year Old Mission of the National Urban League
- Additional Membership Perks at Certain Events
- Membership Dues are Tax-Deductible
- Gain access to an expansive national network-access to the top decision makers and powerbrokers in the city of Los Angeles and across America. Our network is highly influential and ever-expanding across various markets, industries and fields. From Hollywood to Wall Street to the White House, we are on the inside shaping a movement impacting all arenas.We are more than just colleagues. We are truly a family that lifts each other up in challenging times and supports one another as a unified body aligned with the value to serve and reach for the highest level of self-actualization.
- Be a part of the solution and create pathways for the underserved to financial stability and economic prosperity. We offer the keys to 21st century job training, workforce development, leadership and professional development services and resources. You will gain access to corporate decision makers, funders, philanthropists, employers and industry change agents who can help guide you in building the long term, sustainable career that YOU WANT.
- Power is vested equally among our members as everyone has a seat at the table. Upon joining, you become part-owner and get invited to prominent activities and initiatives. We are one of the few organizations that you can jump right into our “do tank” carrying on a legacy built by African-Americans in the early 1900′s with the audacity to dream and move towards economic self-determination. Your Los Angeles Urban League Young Professionals have been recognized as the Western Chapter of Excellence since 2010 and running. We are a thriving volunteer auxiliary of one of the most prominent non-profits in the city. Today we stand as a modernized and progressive social services provider creating a sustainable future for the next generation. For more information, please contact