Join Week 2024 _ Visions In Motion Workshop

Join Week 2024 _ Visions In Motion Workshop

Are you ready to bring your 2024 Vision to life? Join the LA Young Professionals as we bring our 2024 Visions to life at our Visions in Motion: Vision Board Workshop hosted by Dr. Nina Shelby.

Unlock the power of your aspirations and join the LA Young Professionals for a transformative experience at ‘Visions in Motion: Vision Board Workshop’ hosted by the inspirational Dr. Nina Shelby. This event is your opportunity to bring your 2024 visions to life through the creative and empowering practice of vision boarding.

Dr. Nina Shelby, a seasoned expert in personal and professional development, will guide you through the process of translating your dreams and goals into a tangible vision board. Dive into a hands-on workshop that combines visualization techniques, goal-setting strategies, and artistic expression to help you manifest the future you envision.

Connect with like-minded young professionals as you craft a visual representation of your aspirations, fostering a sense of clarity and motivation. Whether you’re aiming for career success, personal growth, or overall well-being, this workshop is designed to inspire and guide you on your journey.



***** What You will need*****

Magazines.  Magazines. Magazines.

Open Mind. Notebook or laptop or whatever you use to take notes. Pen/ markers

Your 2021 – 2023 calendar as a reference (If you kept it digitally in your phone, great! Bring that)


Feb 10 2024


11:00 am - 2:00 pm
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