LAULYP Join Week 2015
Monday, January 19, 2015
9AM – 12PM // 3rd Annual MLK Day Clothing Collection & Community Breakfast
6111 Melrose Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90038
Join the LAULYP for an awesome community service event. We’ll be collecting all kinds of clothes for disadvantaged and grateful people. Volunteers are needed to count, sort, and fold the clothes. Sewers and ironers are needed, too! We’ll also all be enjoying breakfast together. New and gently-used work clothes, casual clothes, and athletic wear needed. New socks and underwear are much-needed, too! All ages welcome.
[button size=medium style=less_round color=green align=none url=]RSVP to the Clothing Collection & Community Breakfast[/button]
Monday, January 19, 2015
5PM – 6PM (PST) // MLK Day National Call to Action hosted by the Black America 2.0 Movement
We marched on December 13th and stood in solidarity on December 14th. NOW WHAT? This call will announce the vision for Black America 2.0 for the 2015 year and what you can do in your respective states to keep the movement moving. The call information will only be given to those who register through EventBrite. Limited to 1000 Participants. If you are an organization or group please register for one and consider hosting an event around this call. This will allow us to get 1000 calls on the line with more than 1000 individuals.
[button size=medium style=less_round color=green align=none url=]RSVP to the MLK Day National Call to Action[/button]
TUESDAY, January 20, 2015
6PM – 9PM // The Board Room: Pathways to Joining Corporate and Non-Profit Boards
The Belmont
747 North LA Cienega Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90069
Join the LAULYP for an awesome panel discussion on how to join a Non-Profit or Corporate Board. At this event, you will have exclusive access to experienced and professional Board members. They will share their stories and advice on how you can join a Board. Come prepared with questions, as these panelists are willing to share their knowledge.
[button size=medium style=less_round color=green align=none url=]RSVP to The Board Room[/button]
WEDNESDAY, January 21, 2015
6PM -9 PM // Dave and Buster’s Mix & Mingle
6801 Hollywood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Join the LAULYP organization (also known as the YP’s) during Join Week for a mix and mingle at Dave and Buster’s in Hollywood. This is a great way for members and prospective members to get acclimated to the organization, network and learn about the Urban League initiatives on the local and national levels.
[button size=medium style=less_round color=green align=none url=]RSVP to Dave & Busters[/button]
THURSDAY, January 22, 2015
7PM – 9PM // LAULYP General Body Meeting
Los Angeles Urban League Headquarters
3450 W Mt Vernon Dr
Los Angeles, CA 90008
All General Body Meetings (GBM) will take place on the 3rd Thursday or every month at the Los Angeles Urban League unless specifically updated by YP President or Eboard.
The GBMs are great ways for members and prospective members to get acclimated to the organization, network and learn about the Urban League initiatives on the local and national levels.
[button size=medium style=less_round color=green align=none url=]RSVP to the General Body Meeting[/button]
FRIDAY, January 23, 2015
9PM – 2AM // Presidential Party
The Room – Hollywood
1626 North Cahuenga Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Cover is free for attendees before 11 pm and only $5 thereafter!
Join the LAULYP for an awesome Join Week celebration. We want to officially welcome and celebrate new and old members. Tell the front door you are meeting the Los Angeles Urban League Young Professionals organization to collect your exclusive wristband. Get ready for a night of fun, fellowship and dancing! There are plenty of parking options in the Hollywood area. See you there!
[button size=medium style=less_round color=green align=none url=]RSVP to the Presidential Party[/button]
Saturday, January 24, 2015
8AM – 10:30AM // 3rd Annual Spring Into Summer Weight Loss Challenge
Exposition Park
700 Exposition Park Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90037
As we ease into the New Year, the #1 resolution in America is to lose weight. In partnership with Next Level Up Entertainment and P2P Productions, The Los Angeles Urban League Young Professionals (also known as the YPs) are gearing up for the 3rd Annual Spring into Summer Weight Loss Challenge to spread health awareness throughout the Los Angeles community.
[button size=medium style=less_round color=green align=none url=]RSVP to the Spring Into Summer Weight Loss Challenge[/button]